Aging workforce’s will benefit from Spinal Health Consultants’ classes. Reduce back pain and watch morale skyrocket.

Who We Are

Dr. Jill Jorgensen, the founder of Spinal Health Consultants, Inc., will customize and personalize injury prevention training for your company. The goal is to reduce work place injuries. Dr. Jill’s functional training can be immediately practiced, and will improve productivity and employee morale. READ MORE

What We Do

Injury prevention clinics from Spinal Health Consultants will help companies lower their workers compensation claims by providing work site evaluations, injury prevention clinics, and biomechanical training. Reduce your rate of absenteeism and keep medical cost increases in check with a clinic from Dr. Jill. Dr. Jill also focuses on the importance of good nutrition to support a healthy body. READ MORE

Why Us?

Dr. Jorgensen has a unique ability to personalize her trainings which in turn motivates and educates her clients’ employees to embrace the information provided by Dr. Jorgensen affecting their lives for the better, both at home and work. Her “Save Your Spine” program is a “Functional Training” program where employees learn how their body works. Most people comment that they learn about their bodies when something “breaks, hurts, or they are in pain”. READ MORE